Shareholder Loans and Your Private Corporation

If you own your private corporation and borrow money you should consider the income tax consequences. The Income Tax Act contains a series of rules that may have income tax consequences for the person receiving the loan from the company. In the context of this article, the term loan means any form of debt the shareholder or family member has to…

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2012 RRSP Deadline

I`ve noticed a few websites have been writing that the RRSP deadline is March 1st. The Income Tax Act allows you to deduct RRSP contributions made in the first 60 days of the year following the tax year. Since 2012 is a leap year, the last day to contribute to your RRSP and claim the deduction on your 2011 income tax…

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Selling Your Business & Saving Taxes

You started your business from scratch and built it into a successful enterprise. Perhaps you want to retire and spend time with your family or maybe you want to move on to something different. Either way the value built up in your business will result in a tax a tax bill. Luckily the Income Tax Act provides you the opportunity…

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Renting Your Home Can Be Taxing

What happens when you start renting out your home? Understanding how the income tax act looks the situation can help you avoid an un-expected tax bill. When you sell your principal residence, you generally will not incur a capital gain because of the rule that exempts the principal residence from tax. However, converting all or a portion of your principal residence…

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The Principal Residence Exemption

When you sell personal use property such as a car, jewelry, or furniture for more than you paid for it, you have to report and pay income tax on the net capital gain. The definition also includes real property, including the principal residence you own. The Income Tax Act provides a principal residence exemption for capital gains on the sale…

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Understanding The Types of Trusts

There are two different types of personal trusts referred to in the Income Tax Act: Testamentary trusts and inter vivos trusts (Inter vivos literally means "among the living"). Testamentary trusts arise out of or on the consequence of the death of an individual and an inter vivos trust is any other personal trusts that are not testamentary trusts. Note however…

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